Weeks Leading Up to the Exams

    A new type of intensity arrives at the law school a few weeks before exams begin.  There's a subtle fear and anxiety that floats through the hallways.  People once friendly and social retreat within themselves.  The "nicest" person in the class might snap at somebody.  This new trepidation is warranted.  Exam weeks are stressful.
    By now you should have a solid idea of what your plan is that will take you through the exams.  The major difficulty is that classes are still being taught and new information is still being given out.  So while you need more time than ever to prepare for exams, the time is not there.  And during fall semester, you will have Christmas shopping to do!  You'll ask yourself what sick person put all of this on you during the holidays!
    In spite of the distractions, you'd better find the time to prepare, and you will.  Two weeks may seem like nothing, but it really is a long time.  Plus, you'll surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish with fear as a motivator.
    You need to start writing out practice exams, playing with the concepts, and memorizing the material.  Remember, nothing is more important than the exams.  If something must give in order for you to be properly prepared for the exam, then that something must go.  I've said it before, make no mistake about it, it all comes down to the exam.
    You will find most, if not all, of the professors have old exams on file.  You should get copies of those.  You should take and write out completely as many exams as you possibly can!  The gouges also have quizzes and fact patterns in them.  Take those too.